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Where can I find BorgWarner Inc (BWA) stock information?

Register for your free account today at Discover real-time BorgWarner Inc. Common Stock (BWA) stock prices, quotes, historical data, news, and Insights for informed trading and investment decisions. Stay ahead with Nasdaq.

How much does BorgWarner (Bwa) pay per share?

Regardless, we make no changes to our forecasts and maintain a fair value estimate of $42 per share. BWA is trading at a 759% premium. Global clean air legislation enables BorgWarner's top-line growth to exceed worldwide growth in demand for light vehicles.

Why is BWA trading at a 759% premium?

BWA is trading at a 759% premium. Global clean air legislation enables BorgWarner's top-line growth to exceed worldwide growth in demand for light vehicles. BorgWarner customers possess pricing leverage but may be more restrained in the exercise of that power, given suppliers' greater degree of customer diversity.

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